The Nursing Directorate of the National Rehabilitation Center, in collaboration with all the Services and Departments of the Hospital, contributes decisively to its operation, implementing and supporting the goals set by the hospital.
The primary goal is to provide quality health services to patients in need of Rehabilitation, in order to obtain the highest level of functionality.
- The provision of nursing care to patients, in accordance with the international guidelines and the Nursing Code of Ethics
- The promotion of Nursing Science, continuing education, training and research
- To ensure compliance with the operating principles and goals of EKA
- The cooperation with the other Depatments of EKA
- The responsibility, in collaboration with the Medical Service, of updating and keeping safe patient’s medical records.
Deputy Director of Nursing Service: Natalia Lykoudi MSc
The Nursing service supervises:
a) Two Clinics of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- The 1st PMR with Deputy Head Nurse Dimitra Tatsi
- The 2nd PMR with Deputy Head Nurse Eleni Garelidou
b) Outpatient Clinics with Deputy Head of Archontia Nikolia MSc
Rehabilitation Nursing includes:
- The assessment of the patient’s needs (self-care and communication)
- Assessing specific problems and taking measures to prevent complications
- The design of a patient-centered nursing program
- The evaluation of the goals and the redesign where needed
The Nursing Staff of the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation:
- Takes care in collaboration with the doctor for the hospitalization of the patient
- Takes care of the prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers and deals in collaboration with the doctor and the competent Departments in the treatment of eating disorders
- Takes care of the prevention of thrombophlebitis, contractions, falls, urinary tract infections and other complications
- Participates in the Rehabilitation Team.
- In collaboration with the doctor, participates in special therapeutic methods for the management of spasticity, treatment of neurogenic urinary disorders and neurogenic intestinal disorders
- Participates in Outpatient Clinics of all specialties
- Prepares the patient for functional Rehabilitation.
- Supports the patient for mobilization during his/her free time
- Strengthens the patient psychologically and educates him/her and his/her family.
- Prepares the patient for social reintegration
The Nursing Committee consists of:
-The Director of Nursing Service as President
-A Head of Department
-A Department Nurse
The Nursing Committee has an advisory role in the Nursing Service regarding the planning and decision making for all Nursing issues
At the National Rehabilitation Center:
- Undergraduate university students come for short-term clinical practice
- EPAL / IEK apprenticeship programs are implemented within the framework of the “Workplace Learning program” of graduates of the specialty of Assistant Nursing in the field of Health-Welfare-Wellness
- Accepts educational visits of students of EPAL / EPAS in the specialty of Nursing Assistant
In-hospital courses are implemented for the orientation of the newly recruited employees of the nursing service.